AI Analytics

AI Analytics is a feature to monitor and evaluate the utterances on your bot. This feature assists users in identifying and classifying utterances, offering valuable insights into both recognized and unrecognized intents.

Total Utterances

  • Total Utterances represents the number of all utterances classified either as specific intents or unidentified intents.
  • Unidentified Intents represents the number of utterances that the system was unable to classify into any specific intent category.
  • Identified Intents represents the number of utterances successfully classified into specific intent categories by the system.

FAQ Utterances

  • Total FAQs Utterances represents the number of all utterances that have been successfully categorized as belonging to the FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) intent.
  • Answered FAQ represents the number of utterances classified as FAQ intents that have been responded to with an appropriate answer.
  • Unanswered FAQrepresents the number of utterances classified as FAQ intents that did not receive a corresponding answer.


FAQ Utterances will be available for you only if you have created a Generic Workspace in AI Admin.

Product Search & Query Utterances

  • Total Product Search & Query Utterances represents the number of all utterances that have been successfully categorized as belonging to the Product Search & Query intent.
  • Answered represents the number of utterances classified as Product Search & Query intents that have been responded to with an appropriate answer.
  • Unanswered represents the number of utterances classified as Product Search & Query intents that did not receive a corresponding answer.


Product Search & Query Utterances will be available for you only if you have created a Commerce Workspace in AI Admin.