About Projects

In addition to managing multiple WhatsApp and SMS accounts, Console also allows businesses to create projects to manage multiple departments or verticals within an organisation. These projects are defined on the Console by the Org Admin and can include a combination of WABA, Journey Builder, and Agent Assist.

Projects have multiple modules, such as WhatsApp, Journey Builder, Web channel, Agent Assist, and Analytics. The Project Admin can assign one or more modules to members of the project on a need basis. This allows businesses to allocate resources and services more efficiently and ensures that each member has access to the resources they need to do their job effectively.

Moreover, a project can have multiple WABA accounts and SMS accounts, which can be assigned to users based on the department and the account used. This feature enables businesses to manage multiple accounts seamlessly within a single project.

If you have any queries about Console or its features, you can email console-support@gupshup.io. The Gupshup team will be happy to answer your questions and provide you with any assistance you need.

In conclusion, Console's project feature is an excellent tool for businesses that need to manage multiple departments or verticals within their organisation. Its user-friendly interface and allocation of resources make it a valuable addition to any business's communication channels. So why not give it a try and see how it can help your business streamline its operations and improve its overall efficiency?

The team will be happy to guide you through the process and answer any questions you may have. For any further inquiries or support, you can email console-support@gupshup.io