Insights: Customer Feedback Dashboard

The Customer Feedback Dashboard provides insights into customer satisfaction through various rating mechanisms: thumbs ratings, star ratings, and emoji reactions.

Feedback Received
Definition: Total count of customers who completed the feedback form
Calculation: Simple count of submitted feedback forms
Use Cases:

  1. Measuring feedback response rate
  2. Tracking customer engagement
  3. Evaluating feedback form effectiveness

Thumbs Rating Graph
Purpose: Visualizes binary customer satisfaction feedback
Axis Definition:
Y-axis: Rating type (Thumbs Up, Thumbs Down)
X-axis: Chat sessions count
Analysis Tips:

  1. Track the ratio of positive to negative feedback
  2. Monitor trends over time
  3. Identify patterns in negative feedback for improvement

Star Rating Graph
Purpose: Provides detailed satisfaction level analysis
Rating Scale: 1-5 stars
Interpretation Guide:
5 stars: Extremely satisfied
4 stars: Very satisfied
3 stars: Neutral
2 stars: Dissatisfied
1 star: Very dissatisfied
Benchmark Targets:
Excellent: Average ≥ 4.5 stars
Good: Average 4.0-4.4 stars
Fair: Average 3.5-3.9 stars
Needs Improvement: Average < 3.5 stars

Emoji Rating Graph
Purpose: Captures emotional response to service
Emoji Types:
😄 Very Happy
🙂 Happy
😐 Neutral
🙁 Unhappy
😢 Very Unhappy

Analysis Considerations:

  1. Emotional sentiment distribution
  2. Correlation with other rating types
  3. Cultural interpretation factors
  4. Best Practices for Analysis
    1. Response Rate Optimization
    2. Monitor feedback form completion rates
    3. Identify drop-off points in feedback process
    4. Test different feedback collection methods
    5. Optimal timing for feedback requests
  5. Rating Correlation Analysis
    1. Compare ratings across different methods
    2. Identify discrepancies between rating types
    3. Track rating patterns by:
    4. Time of day
    5. Day of week
    6. Agent handling the chat
    7. Chat duration
    8. Resolution time